
The Waltham Math Department has created optional summer math packets to help students maintain their math skills over the summer. We are sending these electronically, but if you would like a paper copy, please let your child’s teacher know, and Mrs. Vittum will send it home. All Grade 5 students will be receiving a paper packet from the Middle Schools.

The summer math packets can be found at these links (they are organized by the grade the student is leaving-the grade the student is entering):

Entering Grade 1

Entering Grade 2

Entering Grade 3

Entering Grade 4

Entering Grade 5

We have also created a list of websites and activities that would be fun, meaningful ways to work with math at home. Those can be found here:

Summer Letter Eng/Spanish

Summer Letter Eng/Creole

Thank you for supporting your mathematicians this year. We hope that you all have a wonderful summer filled with rest and relaxation!

Ms. Luette and Mrs. Vittum