Calendar of Events

Waltham High School maintains the following calendar of activities and events. Included on this calendar is information related to admission into one of our Ch.74 vocational programs. To request a hard copy of the calendar, please reach out to our CTE Secretary, Kari George at 781-314-5521 or Email Kari George.

WHS Chapter 74 Program Admissions Process
Interested in applying to a Ch.74 Vocational Program? Check out the process and timeline here!


Waltham High School's Career & Technical Education Department has a Department of Elementary & Secondary Education and Waltham School Committee approved admissions policy. This policy is implemented for any Ch.74 program that is oversubscribed, meaning there are more eligible student applicants than there are available spots in the program. For questions or additional information, please contact Michael Grace, CTE Director at 781-314-5519 or Email Michael Grace