Grade 5 ELA
Grade 5 ELA focuses on four modules, which allow students to build important content knowledge based on a compelling topic related to science, social studies, or literature. Each module is broken into three units, where students have the opportunity to read grade-level texts, build background knowledge, and share what they have learned through discussions and writing. In addition, students have ongoing discussions about the habits of character necessary to become effective learners, ethical people, and to contribute to a better world.
Grade 5 ARC Curriculum
Grade 5 ELA (ARC Curriculum) focuses on four units, which allow students to build important content knowledge based on a compelling topic related to science, social studies or literature. Students have the opportunity to read grade-level texts, build background knowledge, and share what they have learned through discussions and writing.
Unit Unidad | Timeframe Cuándo | Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions) Preguntas esenciales | Major Learning Experiences from Unit Principales experiencias de aprendizaje de la unidad |
Unidad 1: Lecto- escritura | September – November | ¿Qué rasgos textuales tiene un texto informativo? ¿Cómo nos ayudan a comprender el texto? ¿Cuál es el tema o mensaje del autor/a? | Los estudiantes podrán:
Unidad 2: Ecosystems | November – January | What are the main characteristics of the ecosystem? Who are the producers and consumers in the ecosystem? How do they obtain what they need to survive and reproduce? Who are the decomposers? What do they obtain from the ecosystem and what do they give back? How does energy transfer from the sun to the apex predator? How matter and energy moves through the ecosystem? How are the Earth’s major systems represented? What are the threats to the health of the ecosystem? What might be done to protect it? | Students will:
Unidad 3: Aventura y Supervivencia | February – April | ¿Qué hace que una experiencia se torne en una aventura? Las personas nacen o se hacen héroes? ¿Qué es más poderoso, el ser humano o la naturaleza? El ser humano o la sociedad? ¿Las personas pueden triunfar solas? Si una persona no se prepara para una situación, se está arriesgando a fracasar? Por que? | Los estudiantes podrán:
Module 4: Civil War Era | April – June | What were the most important events of the Civil War Era? Why? How did geography affect the person’s life? What was the person's relationship to the history of enslavement and resistance? Who were this person’s allies and adversaries? Why? What was the person’s experience during the war itself and Reconstruction? Why? What is the person’s legacy today? | Students will: