Kate Peretz, Administrator of Human Resources
Kelly M. O'Brien, Human Resources Coordinator
Lucianna Buratto, Human Resources Generalist
General Email: hr@walthampublicschools.org
Address: 617 Lexington Street, Waltham, MA 02452
Phone Number: 781-314-5738
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About WPS
Waltham Public Schools serves more than 5,600 students from diverse backgrounds who represent many cultures and speak more than 30 languages. With a staff of over 1,100 teachers, professionals, administrators, and support staff in grades Pre-K - 12 across 10 schools, Waltham is a well-resourced, supported, and strongly positioned community from financial, educational, community, business and civic perspectives.
Our district seeks highly qualified, dedicated educators who work to understand the individualized needs of all students and partner with families and who are committed to our mission of offering rigorous, diverse, and enriching programming in a supportive and culturally responsive environment.

Check out our Job Opportunities

Non-Discrimination and Accommodation Notice
Waltham Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, national origin, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.
If you need an accommodation in order to participate in the application process, please contact Human Resources.

We value and prioritize the hiring of educators who bring a wealth of perspectives and experiences to our schools, and who reflect the diversity of the students we serve.
Waltham Public Schools is a proud member of the Massachusetts Partnership for Diversity in Education (MDPE). To learn more, visit wearempde.org
New Hire Info
There are several tasks for new hires to complete. Some of these will be completed online while others will need to be completed in person (I-9 form, CORI, fingerprinting and benefits enrollment). New hires will receive an email with a link to complete required forms through our online onboarding system (PowerSchool).
If you are a new hire and have not received an email or are experiencing difficulties, please email hr@walthampublicschools.org.
CORI and Fingerprinting
In addition to the forms in the onboarding checklist, all new hires must complete a CORI (criminal record check) and be fingerprinted. CORI forms may completed at the Superintendent's Office (617 Lexington Street) or in the main office at any Waltham Public School. For information on fingerprinting, see the links below.
*If you were previously fingerprinted for another public school district in MA within the last 7 years, you can request that district send us a Letter of Suitability to satisfy our fingerprint requirement.
Employee Information
For Current Staff