This course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications.

Detailed information regarding alignment to standards for the Advanced Placement Human Geography course can be found in the College Board’s course and exam description:



Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions)

Major Learning Experiences from Unit 

Thinking Geographically

13 class days

  • Why do geographers study relationships and patterns among and between places?

  • How do geographers use maps to help them discover patterns and relationships in the world?

  • How do geographers use a spatial perspective to analyze complex issues and relationships?

  • Integrates elements of Unit 7 that are handy to the rest of the year

  • Site & Situation Padlet

  • GIS Data & Satellites

  • World Systems Theory Classification Graphic Organizer

  • National Geographic Mapmaker

  • Big Mac Index Evaluation

  • Paint a Padlet Portrait of a Country

Population & Migration Patterns & Processes

11 class days

  • How does where and how people live impact global cultural, political, and economic patterns?

  • How do changes in population affect a place’s economy, culture, and politics?

  • How do changes in population affect a place’s economy, culture, and politics?

  • Country Population Profile

  • Demographic Transition Model

  • Population Policies & Planned Cities

  • World Migration Report

  • Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons Deep Dive

Cultural Patterns & Processes

11 class days

  • How does where people live and what resources they have access to impact their cultural practices?

  • How does where people live and what resources they have access to impact their cultural practices?

  • How and why do cultural ideas, practices, and innovations change or disappear over time?

  • Examples of Sequent Occupance

  • Cultural Landscapes

  • Identity & Space

  • Autopsy of a Dead Language

  • My Cultural Diffusion Study

  • Religion, Culture & Language in Action

  • Universalizing & Ethnic Religions Chart

Political Patterns & Processes

11 class days

  • How do historical and current events influence political structures around the world?

  • How are balances of power reflected in political boundaries and government power structures?

  • How can political, economic, cultural, or technological changes challenge state sovereignty?

  • Foray into the Political

  • How is space politically organized?

  • Political Power & Territoriality

  • Boundaries in Africa

  • Gerrymander Game

  • Comrades of Yore

  • Supranational Organizations

Agriculture & Rural Land-Use Patterns & Processes

11 class days

  • How are urban areas affected by unique economic, political, cultural, and environmental challenges?

  • How are urban areas affected by unique economic, political, cultural, and environmental challenges?

  • How are urban areas affected by unique economic, political, cultural, and environmental challenges?

  • Agricultural Practices & Sustainability

  • Top Crop

  • Modern Agricultural Issues

  • Agricultural Production & Agricultural in the News

  • Commodity Dependence

  • CAFOs, GMOs, Fish & Chickens

Cities & Urban Land-Use Patterns & Processes

11 class days

  • How do physical geography and resources impact the presence and growth of cities?

  • How are the attitudes, values, and balance of power of a population reflected in the built landscape?

  • How are urban areas affected by unique economic, political, cultural, and environmental challenges?

  • A Tale of One City: StoryMap Project (unit long)

  • Causes & Impacts of Urban Change

Industrial & Economic Development Patterns & Processes

8 class days

  • How are urban areas affected by unique economic, political, cultural, and environmental challenges?

  • How might environmental problems stemming from industrialization be remedied through sustainable development strategies?

  • How might environmental problems stemming from industrialization be remedied through sustainable development strategies?

  • Industrial Grade Choice Board

  • Human Development Measures

  • Industrial Revolution in Space & Time

  • Ch 19 Industrial Cleanup Site

  • Sector Scramble


7 class days

Review Season for the AP Exam 

  • AP Classroom Progress Checks

  • Practice Exams

  • Unit Review Days

  • Custom Blookets & Quizlets