Students will be expanding on their knowledge of Collision Repair by being taught many stages of the repair process. The students will start out using hammers,dollies and various types of dent pullers. Students will then be taught the types and uses of body filler and sandpapers used in the shop. The students will be taught the different types of spray guns and proper set-up and use of spray guns.Students will then be taught the different types of paints and primers used in the business and the mixing procedures necessary to mix paint correctly. Students will be shown various painting techniques and demonstrate their techniques. And students will be taught how to measure a damaged vehicle and assess the correct repair procedures. 



Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions) and 

Major Learning Experiences from Unit

Non-structural Repairs


Students will be able to rough out specific types of non structural damage.Students will be taught the different types of hammers and dollies to be used in the straightening process and be shown different types of dent removal equipment.

Body fillers,sandpapers and sanding blocks.


Students will be taught the procedures and steps for filling dents with body fillers,the proper sandpapers to be used and the various sanding blocks and tools used in the dent repair process.

Vehicle masking


Students will be taught the different materials and procedures in masking a vehicle for priming and painting.

Basic refinishing and spray guns


Students will be taught the various spray guns used in the shop,how to tear down and clean a spray gun and proper set-up and use of the spray guns. Students will spray some primer on projects they have worked on.

Paint and Refinishing


Students will be taught the many types of paints used in the industry. Students will be taught the correct paint mixing procedures and be taught the correct spraying techniques used in an overall paint job and a typical base coat/clear coat blend job.



Students will be familiar with the various types of nuts,bolts,rivets retainers and plastic retainers used in the collision repair procedures.

Collision Factors and Repairs


Students will assess vehicle damage to determine whether a component warrants replacement or repair.Students will understand the correct ways in determining the proper repair procedure and the steps necessary to complete the repairs. 

Measurements and Structural Repair


Students will be introduced to vehicle dimensions,using tram gauges and dimensional frame charts and understanding point to point measurements.

Year in Review /Shop Clean up


Students will review the lessons that they have been taught throughout the year and participate in shop clean-up for the end of the year.