The Electronics Program prepares students to enter the diverse and lucrative industry of electronics as a technician by applying scientific principles of electronic devices and circuits leading to practical consumer, computer, telecommunications systems outcomes using modern tools, instruments, equipment, materials, techniques and processes.Students will take part in a 10-Hour OSHA safety course, earning their OSHA safety certification if they achieve a passing score.

Electronics II Prerequisite: Electronics I 

The second in a series of three consecutive outcome-based courses in which students are exposed to all aspects of the electronics industry providing genuine theory and practice within this career field leading to employment or further study.  Investigate basic concepts and applications of digital electronics to include logic gates, counter displays, memory registers, and data selectors.  Fabricate test equipment from assembly documentation.  Illustrate and simulate/emulate digital circuits using computer software.  Fabricate printed circuit boards and printed circuit board assemblies.  Perform “live work” on various non-functional, serviceable circuits and systems to return them to industry standard condition.  

Requisites: CVTE Application, Safety and Ethics Contract and Dress Code.



Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions) and 

Major Learning Experiences from Unit

Electronics 2

Introduction & Safety procedures.

3 to 4  class periods.

An introduction to the class syllabus, rules and expectations. Learning and practicing classroom safety procedures, including Fire Drills, Lock Down and Classroom Management Plan.Students will prepare for a shop  health and safety plan describing safety procedures and work habits.

Understanding shop equipment and working on basic electronic kits. 

8 to 16 class periods

Working on basic electronics kits to learn soldering, wire splicing and breadboarding.Working on Electronic kits by Chaney Electronics.

Theory and Application of AC

8 to 12 class periods.

  • Perform calculations in AC circuits.

  • Calculate RMS, peak, peak-to-peak, and average values of a sine wave.

  • Calculate frequency, time and duty cycle of a periodic waveform.

  • Calculate phase shift.

  • Calculate reactance.

  • Calculate impedance.

  • Calculate apparent, true, reactive, power factor.

  • Calculate transformer characteristics.

  • Calculate filter circuit parameters.

  • Perform measurements in AC circuits.

  • Measure peak and peak-to-peak values of a sine wave.

  • Measure frequency, time and duty cycle of a periodic waveform.

  • Measure phase shift.

  • Graphically plot reactance versus frequency.

  • Graphically plot impedance versus frequency.

Theory and Application of Analog Electronics

15 to 20 class periods

  • Analyze semiconductors.

  • Explain manufacturers’ specifications of semiconductor devices.

  • Explain characteristics of discrete semiconductors.

  • Explain biasing of discrete semiconductor devices.

  • Describe thermal management of discrete semiconductor devices.

  • Identify transistor configurations.

  • Identify and list types of transistor biasing configurations.

  • Identify rectifier diode circuits.

  • Identify regulator diode circuits.

  • Analyze power supply circuits.

  • Analyze a thyristor circuit.

  • Test semiconductors.

  • Test diodes with multimeters.

  • Test transistors.

  • Test thyristors.

  • Construct and test semiconductor circuits.

  • Measure and explain current and voltage characteristics of diode types.

  • Measure and explain current and voltage characteristics of transistor types.

  • Measure and explain current voltage characteristics of thyristor types.

  • Analyze transistor amplifiers circuits.

  • Analyze oscillator circuits.

  • Evaluate operational amplifier circuits.

  • Describe operational amplifier IC characteristics.

  • Design operational amplifier circuits.

Theory and Application of Digital Electronics

20 to 25 class periods

  • Perform calculations in digital circuits.

  • Use the two’s complement number system for math operations.

  • Convert between binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers.

  • Identify and use alternate digital codes.

  • Draw logic diagrams from Boolean expressions.

  • Write a truth table from a Boolean expression or logic circuit.

  • Use reduction theorems to simplify digital electronic circuits.

  • Analyze waveforms for latches/flip-flops.

  • Analyze counter circuits waveforms.

  • Identify and apply digital principles.

  • Differentiate between high, low and tri-state characteristics of a digital signal.

  • Identify basic TTL gates of the 7400 series and describe IO characteristics.

  • Specify pin numbers and manufacturer markings on digital ICs.

  • Compare and contrast the differences between TTL and CMOS logic families.

  • Identify and calculate parity bits for error control.

  • Describe the universal properties of NAND and NOR gates.

  • Illustrate alternate schematic forms of basic logic gates.

  • Identify various combinational and sequential logic circuits.

  • List reduction theorems used to simplify digital Electronic circuits.

  • Identify the basic architecture of a microprocessor or microcontroller.

  • Describe a digital oscillator circuit.

  • Describe circuits that perform A/D and D/A conversions.

  • Identify and describe characteristics of digital components.

  • Define and describe PLDs (Programmable Logic Devices).

  • Describe line driver characteristics and their applications.

  • Construct and test digital circuits.

  • Wire, test and explain combinational logic circuits.

  • Wire and test various flip-flops to verify truth tables.

  • Wire and test various latches to verify truth tables.

  • Measure waveforms for counter circuits and analyze behaviors and characteristics.

  • Construct, simulate and explain encode and decode circuits.

  • Construct, simulate and explain shift registers.

  • Construct, simulate and explain comparators.

  • Construct, simulate and explain adder circuits.

  • Construct, simulate and explain multiplexer ICs.

OSHA 10-hour industry course

Whenever possible

Complete the requirements of OSHA 10-hour certification course and receive a course completion card

Career Exploration and Navigation

During Senior year

  • Assess personal strengths and interest areas to determine potential careers, career pathways and career ladders.

  • Examine potential career field(s)/discipline(s) and identify criteria to select, secure and keep employment in chosen field(s).

  • Research and evaluate a variety of careers utilizing multiple sources of information and resources to determine potential career(s) and alternatives.

  • Identify training and education requirements that lead to employment in chosen field(s) and demonstrate skills related to evaluating employment opportunities.

  • Demonstrate job search skills.

  • Demonstrate all phases of the job interview process.