Students in Sports and Entertainment Marketing will develop their skills in problem solving, communication, higher level thinking and use their creativity. Additionally, students have the opportunity to further develop their communication and leadership skills.  We will use a good deal of Total Participation Techniques to engage all students.  

The business of entertainment, including movies, concerts, theme parks, and sporting events have a tremendous impact on our economy and provide many career opportunities. These activities are global in their reach and impact.  Sports marketing is a growing division of the marketing field that focuses on the business of sports and the use of sports as a marketing tool. This class will provide students with an overview of the sports and entertainment field from a business and marketing perspective.

Students will learn the basics of marketing as it relates to the multi-billion dollar sports and entertainment industry.  They will explore the history, key influencers on the industry, college major in sport management, a career in the industry, how to maximize profit in a sports franchise or entertainment venue, the importance of building and protecting brand, maximizing a customer’s experience at an event, setting ticket prices and potential careers in the industry.  We will spend time developing various skills including business problem solving, developing creative promotional skills, perfecting our presentation skills and conducting primary research on the industries.  



Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions)

Major Learning Experiences from Unit 

Basic Marketing


Marketing 101

4P’s of Marketing

Students get the ability to start to get the basics of marketing, by learning to see what influences buying decisions

Opportunity to start to realize Product, Price, Promotion and Place as they pertain to winning in the marketing arena. 

Target Marketing


Target Marketing 

Sports Marketing

Learn how to identify your target market in detail so you market to the right segment.  A way to see how business ideas then attack certain customers.

Look at sports figures that have been attached to companies to enhance marketing efforts of organizations. 

Breakdown the 4P’s by Category


Promotional Mix

Pricing Strategy

Marketing an Event

Promotion side of Marketing, what it takes to try to successfully promote the brand to customers.

What types of pricing strategy is used by companies to maximize profit and keep the customer coming back to spend money with them. 

Put all of the 4P’s of marketing together to explain how you’d market an event to the public

Celebrity Influence

How to Theme Parks Win


Celebrity Endorser

Theme Park Project

Understand the power of the celebrity when it comes to marketing a product and massive influence positively or negatively a celebrity has on endorsement. 

Learn how to put together a marketing plan for a theme park as a hands-on project walks students through the ingredients you need to win in the theme park world.  

Model Athletes in Business

Sport as a Career 

Power of the Brand 


Athletes Business Success

Sport Management


Study athletes that have a post athletic career move into the business world and bring out what characteristics these people display.

Deep dive into sport management as a major in college and then a possible parlay into a career.  Review a few different paths that could be followed by students to get a career.  

Students learn about brand, the power of brand, the way the brand is protected, marketed, and why the brand is the #1 concern for many business owners. 

Power of the Logo

Marketing to Create Loyalty



Loyalty Programs

The power of the logo, the creation, the influence, and how it creates and develops the power of the company.

What makes a customer loyal, we’ll review loyalty programs.  The nuts and bolts, how they work, what makes them good and why they are needed in today’s business world. 

How do you get a Sales Career

What does a successful Business Team look like? 


Selling Process

Sports Business Dream Team

Teach students what it would take to be in the world of sales.  Learn a step by step approach to the sales process.  Training you to learn steps needed to gain business and keep business. 

Opportunity to put together a team that you think would win in any business venture.  Using famous figures, by looking at their characteristics as a basis for success. 

Adding value to a stadium, by Marketing it

Benefit of Sponsorships


Gillette Stadium Marketing


Determine how to bring a new audience to a popular area in Massachusetts where customers frequent.  Students will discuss how to better market this spot. 

Why do people sponsor business, particularly in the sports world, what are the benefits for all parties involved in this transactional arrangement. 

Building Business 

The financials of sports teams

Movies with good Marketing 



Power of Movies


Students get a chance to think through what might be a good business idea in the sports world and pitch that to fellow classmates. 

The influence sports movies have had on each of their respective target markets.  Dig into the memorable marketing ideas the movie creator must have been thinking about as the move was made.