The philosophy of the Radio & Television Broadcasting Program at Waltham High School is dedicated to providing the best and most complete technical education for all of our students. As a vocational-technical high school, our fundamental purpose is to provide education for employment. The high school graduates of the 21st century face a world in which the most important skills in the workplace are the ability to learn, to change, and adapt. The underlying fundamentals of the program will include career and technical training, integrated with English, math, related science, and OSHA Safety training to provide each student with the background to advance educationally as well as professionally. The course instruction utilizes the competencies from the Vocational Technical Educational (VTE) Frameworks of TV Broadcasting and the objectives contained within the six strands of the VTE Frameworks.

Students will be provided with instruction and experiences that will enable them to apply and demonstrate the acquisition of competencies in the following areas:

  • Pre-production, production and post-production practices.

  • Identification and defining the fundamentals of broadcasting and video technologies and broadcast journalism.

  • How to set up a three-point lighting system for on-camera talent.

  • Producing a digital video using a non-linear editing system.

  • Proficiency in all post-production software packages: Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office.

  • OSHA 10-hour Certification program.

  • Prepare students for the Tech II course the following year.

  • Begin the process of discussing career avenues in the Communications industry that students will gain a better idea for.



Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions)


Major Learning Experiences from Unit 

Overview of TV I

1 Week

Understanding Student Expectations and what the student plans to get out of the course

Unit 1

2 Weeks

The Production Process - The three phases of of production, production model, and production personnel

Unit 2

2-3 Weeks

The Script - The basic script formats, as well as dramatic structure, conflict and dramaturgy

Unit 3

2 Weeks

The Director - How a Director prepares along with the communications and scheduling of a production

Unit 4

5 Weeks

The Television Camera - How the television camera works from parts to electronic features as well as operational features. Tutorial on the Canon XA20 and XF105

Unit 5

2 Weeks

Camera Operation and Picture Composition - Working the camera through standard movements and framing effective shots

Music Editing

3 Weeks

How can we increase our editing performance through editing to the beat drop of the music? Student will establish a 1 minute video of editing to the telling a story through music and NOT through video, but using video

Unit 6

1 Week

Audio - The different types of microphones and how they hear as well as used. Also, how to comply with our cameras in setting adjustments

Music Video

4 Week

Creating a storyline through music and film to promote a theme and/or message

Unit 7

1 Week

Lighting - Lighting instruments and controls in regards to intensity and levels. How to establish three-point lighting system 

Unit 8

1 Week

Switching - How the switcher operates along with standard video effects 

Ten Day Film Challenge

2 Weeks

An intense and invigorating 10 school days in which students create an original short film based on requirements given to them on their designated Day 1.  These requirements include a character, backstory, prop, line of dialogue and choice of genres

Unit 9

1-2 Week

Field Productions & Remotes - Covering major events and conducting a newscast from location sketch to scheduling interviews


Q4 - 8 Weeks

In advance of TV II, students will be conducting two end of the year newscasts to promote life in and around WHS, through current events, human interest pieces, and subjects that bring the school community together

Non-Linear Editing


Non-Linear Editing through Apple and Adobe - File Management, importing footage, UI and UX operation, sharing final products, uploading to Google, YouTube, and television