WHS WL Year 3 Curriculum Guide

This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Year 2 of a language.. Students will continue to develop their skills to communicate effectively in the language.   Students will strengthen their abilities to participate in spontaneous conversations, retell stories, and use complex sentences and strings of sentences to share their opinions, ideas, and emotions. The three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational)  are further developed in the classroom with conversation, role playing, journal writing, and guided writing.  Culture will be integrated into the course through the use of authentic media and texts, videos, and songs.  A variety of assessments will be used throughout the year. 



Big Ideas (Statements or Essential Questions)

Major Learning Experiences from Unit 

1. Goodbye Summer!


  • What is there to do in the summer and where can you go? 

  • What do you normally do over the summer and what did you do this past summer? 

  • How does weather impact your experiences?

  • What are the most common places people visit in New England?

  • What can you see and do as a tourist in a country of the target language (TL)? 

Do you need to travel outside of your own city, state or country to experience another culture?

Students will demonstrate understanding and self expression in the target language about the following subtopics: 

  • Summer in the target cultures 

  • Places and activities

  • Impact of weather

2. Childhood Memories


  • How does our childhood impact who we are today? 

  • What are the differences between our likes and dislikes as children and who we are today? 

  • What role do children’s stories/folktales play in different cultures?  

Students will demonstrate understanding and self expression in the target language about the following subtopics: 

  • Childhood activities

  • Children's stories

3. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle


  • What can I do to live a healthier lifestyle?

  • What can I do to support my mental health? 

  • How does supporting my mental health impact my goals?

  • How do our behaviors affect our mood?

  • What are my short term goals and what steps can I take to get there?

  • What are my long term goals and aspirations for the future and what steps can I take to get there?

Students will demonstrate understanding and self expression in the target language about the following subtopics: 

  • Mental health

  •  Physical health

4. Relationships and Their Challenges

Sharing the planet


  • How can you offer someone advice in a meaningful way? 

  • What does it mean to be sustainable?

  • How can you reduce waste and reutilize materials?

  • What is my role as an eco-friendly citizen? 

  • What does sustainability matter and how do my actions impact the future? 

  • How were the beliefs of community members reflected in their actions regarding the environment in the target language communities and my own community? 

Students will demonstrate understanding and self expression in the target language about the following subtopics: 

  • What it means to be eco friendly

  • Sustainability

  • Protecting the environment

5. Creating Family Connections Through Food

  • What does the household look like in the target language culture? Who lives there? How does this compare with your family?

  • What is the role of cooking and food in the target language culture?

  • How do certain culinary traditions differ and relate to those of other cultures?

  • What role does food play in the culture of the target language?

Students will demonstrate understanding and self expression in the target language about the following subtopics: 

  • Mealtime culture

  • Regional specialties

6. The Art Around Us

  • Who are famous artists and what are famous pieces of artwork in the world of the target language?

  • What is considered art?

  • What are the different types of art? How can these types of art make us feel? What are plastic arts and fine arts? 

  • How can art make you feel?

  • What can art and architecture tell you about another person/place/culture/time?

  • How do we experience art in our daily lives?

  • How has art and artists been evaluated historically? Who/what gives it importance?

There are a lot of questions here… maybe we should take some out or combine them? 

Students will demonstrate understanding and self expression in the target language about the following subtopics: 

  • Architecture, music, performing arts, visual arts

  • Contributions to world artistic heritage