Title 1 Services
Title I provides supplemental programs and resources to school to increase student academic achievement. The U.S. Department of Education provides federal Title I funds to states to give to school districts based on the number of children from low-income families in each district.
Waltham's Title I program offers schoolwide supports to improve the overall academic programs at the following schools:
McDevitt Middle School
Northeast Elementary
Plympton Elementary
Stanley Elementary
Whittemore Elementary
Waltham Dual Language School
Resources provided include additional support staff, professional development training, and supports to improve teacher quality and effectiveness, and materials and resources to students and classrooms. In addition, Title I provides before, after, and extended year academic programs district-wide, based on State School Accountability Status (Levels 2-5). Community outreach includes coordination of efforts with Even Start, school health services, the Waltham Public Library, Healthy Waltham, and the Waltham Partnership for Youth.

Contact Information
Linda Spruce, Title I Secretary
(781) 314-5425
Shelly Chin, Administrator of Grants & Communications, MKV Liaison
Schoolwide programs are not required to identify and select individual students for Title I services since the entire school population benefits from the schoolwide program. Therefore, all students are identified as Title I.
Each school has a Parent/Guardian Compact and Parent Involvement Policy.