Program of Studies

Español     Portuguese     Haitiain Creole 

At Waltham High School, we are proud of our academic programs.  We provide courses to meet every student’s needs: challenging standards-based courses for all students, advanced placement courses for higher achieving students, and technical certification courses for multiple vocational and technology pathways.  Our fine and performing arts, vocational, and athletic programs are an integral part of Waltham High School that augment our academic program of studies. We are educating the citizens of tomorrow.

Course Offerings

PLTW STEM Elective Pathways

Bio Med Pathway

Director: Matt Burns

Please see the PLTW Overview and PLTW Website for detailed information on each course offering.

Engineering Pathway

Director: Matt Burns

Please see the PLTW Overview and PLTW Website for detailed information on this Pathway.